Dedicated to Uplift the Lives of Twipras Everyday!

Time to Call for Action to Prevent and Cure the Drug Addiction Menace in Tripura

Welcome to YAK BAI YAK FOUNDATION! We are dedicated to serve the people in the remote and under-served areas of Tripura, India in the fields of Public Healthcare, Higher Education & Career Counseling, Drug Addiction, Community Welfare and Social Development.

Come and Join us in our efforts to uplift the lives of countless people in Tripura!

Let us help our needy communities, whichever way we can!

Prevent Diseases through Education on Community and Public Health

Lets Educate the Populace on Community Healthcare

Community Healthcare

Educate the rural folks of Tripura on Community and Public Healthcare topics for Prevention and Cure of Common Diseases!

As they say “Prevention is Better than Cure”, with timely and correct information provided to the rural and remote areas’ citizens of Tripura, common diseases like malaria, enteric diseases etc. can be prevented with simple solutions and lifestyle changes among the people!

Click Here to Know More About Our Programs





Counseling on Education and Career Advancement Opportunities

Great economic conditions and opportunities availability play crucial role to prevent and solve many societal problems!

Lets Motivate, Encourage and Provide Tools and Techniques to the students and  unemployed youth of Tripura, on Higher Education and Career Advancement Opportunities!